Waiver of Participation, Responsibility & Liability

Welcome, and thank you for sharing in the power of breathwork with me! It is an honour to be a part of your transformation! To help facilitate the success of your breathwork experience, please read the waiver below.

By participating I agree to and accept the following terms and conditions: I give permission to Nicole Nykolaishyn to perform the role of my Facilitator for online or in-person Breathing session(s). I understand if I have medical concerns, it remains my responsibility to consult a medical professional and inform the Facilitator. I understand my Facilitator makes no claim to benefit any specific condition and gives no guarantee as to outcome.

I understand that Conscious Connected (Integrative) Breathwork is an active breathing practice that naturally elevates a person’s heart rate, creates episodes of emotional reactivity that may result in a cathartic emotional release, accesses subconscious memories, and can introduce physical, emotional, mental and psychological states different than those I currently experience.

I am aware of the potential physiological and psychological effects that the prolonged deep breathing process may introduce into my physical, emotional and mental bodies, and I enter into this practice with the specific intention of accessing the states addressed previously, and experiencing precisely these states in an attempt to investigate, address, and cause change to the current physical, mental and emotional state I exist in.

I declare I have not taken any alcohol or drugs of any kind in the last 48 hours (other than those prescribed to me by a certified medical doctor). I am coming to this experience of Integrative Breathwork without being under the influence of any intoxicants or substances.

I declare I have not taken any alcohol or drugs of any kind in the last 24-48 hours, allowing me to be in my purest state, other than those prescribed to me by a certified medical doctor. I will attend this experience of Integrative Breathwork without being under the influence of any intoxicants or substances.

I declare I have no physical, mental, or psychological condition that prevents me from participating in this practice. These include, but are not limited to glaucoma, detached retina, angina, heart attacks, disease or abnormal arrhythmias, high (uncontrolled) or low blood pressure, respiratory illness or distress, aneurysm in brain or abdomen, epilepsy, diagnosis of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, circulatory or cardiovascular disease of any kind, or any other such condition as may be heightened, deepened, induced or aggravated by the Integrative Breathwork practice. Please have a conversation with the Facilitator if you are pregnant.

I understand (that when in-person) there may be physical contact in the form of pressure points used in the process, as well as the potential for sound healing and energy work, and agree to their use in ways consistent with standard practices and trainings of the Facilitators of this breathing modality.

I agree to accept financial responsibility for any costs or damages which may arise from participation in Nicole Nykolaishyn, Transformations Inside + Out activities.

I represent that I am competent and able to understand the nature and consequences of participating in this session(s), and that I am an adult under the laws of the state of my residence.

I, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree and release from liability and indemnify and hold harmless, Nicole Nykolaishyn Transformations Inside + Out, Nicole Nykolaishyn the Facilitator, and any employees or agents representing, or related to, and/or its activities.

By submitting this wavier you are granting permission to Nicole Nykolaishyn, Nicole Nykolaishyn Transformations Inside + Out, hereinafter known as the “Media” to use your image (photographs, video and/or audio) for use in Media publications including, but not limited to: Videos, Email Blasts, Brochures, Social Media Platforms, Newsletters, General Publications, Website and/or Affiliates, Zoom, Presentations You hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the image/content.