I’ve been there too … Breathe
My healing journey began when my life literally changed after breakfast. That is when my son left me to live with his dad. It was the hardest decision I had to make as a single mom and the most heart-wrenching and awful feeling. I sobbed and my heart literally ached, letting my boy go as we both drove away from each other to different homes. In hindsight, it was the best decision for both of us, but at the time it was sincerely heart-breaking.

This hasn’t always been the case.
For many years I was simply surviving.
As a young, single, mother things were tough.

Like all parents, I wanted the best for my child and to have a great relationship with my son. I cherished our time together, our snuggles, bike rides, card games, adventures, and big belly laughs!
But there were times when we clashed, as many parents experience. When he faced challenges, he could be defiant, and I didn’t know how to help him. It was difficult for both of us.
We were learning and growing together and both of us were doing the best that we knew how.
I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed with so many emotions that I didn’t know how to deal with in a healthy manner, so I simply avoided them and numbed the pain with distractions.
I became reactive to my life. The emotional distress was wreaking havoc on my body. I gained weight, I had incapacitating migraines, I had no energy. I didn’t feel worthy, deserving, or smart. I had no voice.
I wasn’t enough.

Then that fateful day changed my life.
I started my wellness journey with an open mind to making simple changes. First, I started to deepen my relationship with my body. I increased my water intake and started moving more. I learned about nutrition and that it affects you on all levels, physically, mentally, & emotionally. Then, I incorporated meditation and conscious breathing practices to improve health and peace of mind.
Slowly, my weight began decreasing and I had more energy. I started to notice that I could handle life’s daily challenges. My confidence grew. I realized that in order to make changes on the outside, I needed to heal on the inside.

I was guided to something even more profound … Breathwork.
That was the key to my inner healing.
For the first time, I felt like I had been given permission to be completely open and vulnerable and to release whatever showed up for me in that present moment. I didn’t need to be strong, composed, or care for anyone else. I didn’t have to hold it all together any longer. I was encouraged to experience all emotions fully, to really feel them, whether it was joy, laughter, sadness, grief, anger, frustration didn’t matter. What a phenomenal release. It was so freeing. I felt peaceful and light, with so much love and gratitude.

In that moment of freedom, I knew that I wanted to share Breathwork with the world…
As a result of honoring myself, deepening my relationship with my body, and embracing self-care with a holistic view of my health, I have uncovered simple ways to overcome the daily stress, that feeling of being emotionally overwhelmed, and total exhaustion I once experienced.

All along, I had one other important teacher:
my son.
He taught me the lesson of unconditional love
Much like Breathwork, parenting is a creative discipline that guides you on the path of healing from the inside. Both parenting and Breathwork are paths to an inner journey that helps you show up better in every part of your life: body, mind, soul, and as a mom, lover, friend and well overall human – in your life, in your business, and in the world.

I am grateful now that I can share my experiences & learnings with women to help them find their way to who they are truly meant to be – for inner peace, confidence, and freedom – so they can rise up and feel the true beauty and joy of life.
In that moment of freedom that I experienced in my first breathwork session, I knew that I wanted to share it with the world…
Life is so much easier, peaceful, and harmonious when you feel valued, confident, connected, and supported.
Are you ready to go within for more peace, love, joy, and vitality?